12 April 2005

Biding Time...

Well, first the good news... after 10 days in the hospital, Thomas is home! He's doing just fine, seemingly fully recovered from his ordeal. The final diagnosis was that he'd inhaled some amniotic fluid due to a stressful and rapid birth during the difficult C-section. This was problematic on its own, but then became infected. Further, since he had the fluid in the lungs, he couldn't get a decent breath, so he began to breathe very rapidly, which then became a vicious cycle...

Anyway, the docs at the German Kinderklinic were fantastic, and our boy is home. As for me, I'm just biding time until I finally get to go downrange. It's only a matter of time... Still, in the meantime, just taking care of the family, helping my wife heal, and doing my fair share of diaper changing.

Thomas loves my finger. Specifically, the pinkie. It makes a great pacifier and keeps him occupied when he's hungry, but the local milk delivery isn't ready yet.

So, for now... back to the kids!

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