07 October 2012

Carolina Band 2010 Veterans Day Show

I surprised myself a little bit.  Yesterday, I was bragging about how Williams-Brice stadium really gets loud and hopping with the fans there to a friend.  And today, a buddy put OSU's marching band up on Facebook.  So, I started searching for some Carolina Band halftime shows.  Somewhat for nostalgia, some because I love marching bands and the shows they put on.

I stumbled almost immediately into this:

At first, I'll admit... a bit disappointed.  I was looking for the flowing marching back and forth, the creativity, the pizzazz.  Yet, because I am military, I was curious and hooked.  And damn if it didn't get to me.

I know how loud a stadium of 80,000 people can get.  I know that at halftime, people aren't often watching the field.  And to see... no, to hear the crowd get involved - first the ones and twos standing for their service, and then to hear a stadium go near-silent (or at least about as quiet as 80,000 people will get) for TAPS.  And to then hear them singing along to "God Bless America".  I wish I was there.

It's not flashy, or pizzazz (ok, at the end, they get kitschy, but that's patriotism in the South for you!)... but, damn... what a show.

1 comment:

MissBirdlegs in AL said...

Loved this! I'd have loved being there, too. ;-)