24 June 2011

Father-Daughter Ball

Tonight, M & I went to our first Father-Daughter Ball.  I suppose it's one of the few nice benefits to my orders being delayed.

What an experience!  First of all, due to the air-conditioning not working, it was hideously warm. But, aside from that...

It was really something to see all of these Soldiers (and one Airman, and one Soldier from Chile!) dressed in their finest uniforms, most with enough ribbons and awards and badges hanging off of them that finding fabric wasn't always easy.  And the girls... wow, they were of all ages. I saw many barely tall enough to reach the knees, all the way to some who were just about to crest into impending womanhood.

It was not your typical military formal event.

First, people dance what they know... so, it was something to see the MSG with 20+ years dancing with his lil' young-un... and doing one of the finer "I'm a Little Teapot" that will sadly never be seen on Dancing With the Stars.

But, what struck me most were the slow dances.  Reading uniforms, many of these Soldiers had missed 50% or more of their dance partners lives.  The floor, and aisles, were packed as all of us ensured we had a chance to dance with the best dates we'll ever have.

Many were probably like me, teaching their girls how to dance.  For me, that was interesting, as I am the epitome of the wallflower/white boy who can't dance.  But, SHE didn't know that!

I choked back tears during the songs, "There Goes My Life" and "Butterfly Kisses".  I am blessed with my little girl.  And it was my Honor to have that dance.  One day, I grudgingly accept, she'll have her arms wrapped around someone else and will be nestled into him... and I'll have to give her away.

But, she'll always be Daddy's Little Girl, and I had the First Dance.  I suspect neither of us (nor many others there) will ever forget.


M*A said...

I think the second most wonderful thing about this...the first being that you are there with your girl....is that you are aware of the significance of the moment. That makes it all the more special.

M*A said...

Oh, btw....you really should write more. Just sayin'

(I'm pretty sure there are a few who will second that.)

MissBirdlegs in AL said...

I second that, M*A!!

This was really beautiful, Reid. Made me tear up. Hope you made lots of pics for both of you to keep.

WV: hearbetr (which I read as heartbeater at first)

Anonymous said...

That was so sweet, and just imagine the precious memories you made for M by going to the dance. You are such an awesome dad!
