30 March 2011

T's Message to Mommy

As we came home from T's birthday party, he made a request that caught me completely by surprise.  He said he wanted to send a message to Mommy.  

18 March 2011

New Torture Device

New torture device. This is to move my joint through increasing range of movement. Must be used a minimum of four hours a day! Have to keep it right at where it hurts - a lot - for best results.

14 March 2011

Update on The Foot

Well, I'm sitting at the hospital waiting on a new prescription.

We had the Big Unveiling of the surgery site. I was eager to see what it looked like. It'd been covered for almost two weeks, and finally, would see how things went.

Did the pain come from the surgery, the foot itself, the bandage...?

Well, it turns out I'm making good progress. No infection, light swelling... I just have to stay off of it still (ARRRGGGHHHH), still no water- thus no bath or shower (see previous ARRRGGGHHHH), and I can now begin the torture sessions of increasing mobility through interesting little devices.

So, I await more of my sweet, wonderful drugs... and it was nice to experience fresh air. But soon, back to confinement.


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