09 June 2010

Awards Ceremony

Frustrated. No, ticked. Ok... I'm not sure what word I want to use.

Such *horrible* behavior by parents at M's award ceremony. Constant talking, talking on phones, and general disrespect to the students receiving awards. It's tough to teach T good behavior when surrounded by bad behavior. Really, could you not catch up on your various husbands' prostate problems, restraining orders, and how other children didn't really earn awards until later???

Kudos to the parents who did show up, even the one who reeked of alcohol (hey, she did make the effort...)

Jeers to the parents who left (noisily) after their kid's name was called.

Humorous moment: "Perfect Attendance, but not here today..."

Guess it's the way of the world today... Everyone gets awards. Not kidding. As they called names, the student would stand. 14 classes... Every kid stood for something. If every one gets an award for being special, what is special?

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


M*A said...

C and I have a running argument about what makes us civilized. Long story short...I say manners. (Is basically the Golden Rule.)

This behavior continues...at high school graduation they make a very clear and understandable announcement to PLEASE hold your applause and PLEASE no loud outbursts until all students have received their diplomas. Never fails not a dozen names into the class there is screaming and yelling. People don't know how to be embarrassed anymore.

Inaie said...


Love it.

I always feel the urge to leave after my kid gets her award/sing her piece/ say her line, I guess most parents do, but what makes us a little different is thatw e just stick around. In respect to other kids, to other parents, to the people who organsied the "thing".

We stay. And we smile. Or I smile, my husband just stays. Because I "make him".

At least at my kids schools only 3 people get an award per class. Super star ( great results all over), effort ( we can't all be genius, but at least we try hard) and ...ops, can't remember the third...but I swear I was there.