09 August 2006

Exploring Hawai'i - Below the Seas

Today was a special day. We woke up super early (0300) and flew over to the Big Island. The airport in Kona was super quaint as it is completely open-air and not at all like most commercial airports we experience during our travels.

For the first part of the day, we were to take our very first submarine trip.
We would be on an Atlantis submarine. This is a real, honest-to-goodness submarine. It seats 50 people and goes out off-shore, and tours the underwater reefs for about an hour. It's lined with panoramic picture windows. For the duration of the trip, we sit there with our noses practically glued to the glass. We see pretty fish, the reefs, and the the beautiful blue of Hawai'ian water.

Finally, we end up sitting on the bottom of the ocean, 100 feet down. Ok, so it's not that deep, but... not often that we get to do such a thing, no? It was an amazing experience! It's difficult to put words to such a once-in-a-lifetime adventure. We highly recommend it.

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