17 September 2005

Checking In...

Just a quick note to say all is well... well, almost all... We're STILL suffering from no Internet. Just our two buildings are off the network... and the group we've gotten it through isn't the best at customer service... basically their response is, "If you don't like it, we can always unsubscribe you." So, we wait.

Other than that, I'm saving up some posts for later...

Will post as soon as I can...

From another lovely Army day in Afghanistan...


GunnNutt said...

From the lack of news about the Afghan elections, I must assume that you guys are doing a great job! Thank you so much for the work you've done and will continue to do. Millions of people are in your debt.

Pat in NC said...

Glad I found your site.

Anonymous said...

Good to read a post again if only briefly.

ABC did a story on the election. Terry Moran was the anchor. His brother, Rick, has a blog called "Right Wing Nut House".


Good Stuff. Bet their family gatherings are interesting!

Anonymous said...

Great job on the elections! Please don't think that because the MSM did not cover it well that we did not notice the successful elections. I am so grateful to you all. 10 years ago I would never have put any odds on Afghanistan and Iraq becoming allies of the US. Because of you all, it is a possibility, and I have to believe the whole world is better for it.Please know you have my gratitude and prayers.
Donna, Los Osos, CA