14 April 2009

Something We've Lost...

There’s quite a movement going on through the country these days.  You’ve probably heard of the Tea Parties.  More generally speaking, people gather and bemoan how the country has “lost its way” or “her soul”.

And perhaps we have.

I know something we’ve lost, and it may seem oh so trivial… but, I, for one, think it’s fundamental.

With digital, cable, and satellite TV, it’s become more and more rare for a television station to actually sign-off (to go off the air).  I was lucky enough to grow up during that time, and I can remember staying up to see TV stations go off the air.  I was drawn to it…  the music, the scenery, and yes, even the plane.  Such an inspiring way to end the day.

And, it helped form a cornerstone of citizenship in this country.  No, watching a tv channel go off the air isn’t the secret to American Patriotism, but it was a piece of the foundation.  TV stations used various videos for their signoffs, but generally it featured the Star Spangled Banner or other patriotic recitations.  (For more blast from a bygone era, some videos even mention prayer!)

Here are some of my more favorite ones:

This is one from a local station I grew up on:
This one taught the evolution of our flag… and our country:

Even Armed Forces TV used to sign off… Here’s a particularly nice one:
    (Since it was shown in Japan, they also featured the Japanese National Anthem.)

(This one is just some airplane porn… not patriotic at all… but, it’s from the 1960′s, and kinda cool.) 

We’re not the only country that did this.  Even the Russians had something similar.  I’ve always been a fan of their National Anthem, and look at how this video similarly inspires pride in their nation.

Alas, stations don’t go off the air anymore.  Each channel is proud that it’s 24/7, always there for you.  Even if they’re only showing the latest infomercial gizmo, there they are.  We never stop anymore… never rest… and are no longer reminded of who we are and our history – even when it’s just the TV turning off.
Something we’ve lost…